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Somatic Therapy Session

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Sessions integrate Somatic Neuromuscular Re-education, Pain Reprocessing Therapy, Lymphatic and Vagus Nervous System Resets, and mind-body coaching. You will learn how nervous system stress and sensitization, repetitive strain, injury, trauma and peak life experiences affects breathing, mental clarity, digestion, posture and movement patterns. Learn potent practices to get back to better health and vitality.


Initial Assessment:1.5 Hours and includes a post session customized program.

Follow-up Sessions: 75 minutes with additions/revisions to your program.


Clients generally book follow-ups in 1-2 week intervals to start.


Sessions are conducted fully clothed on a 40 " wide athletic therapy table.

Dress in comfortable clothing and in layers.

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Lymphatic Therapy Session

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The Lymphatic System is hugely underlooked in the role that it plays in pain, and dis-ease. Arguably, when not working well, it is a major contributor to chronic conditions such as gut issues & IBS, body weight issues, cardiovascular issues, unexplained body pain, nervous system dysregulation, inflammation, poor immune system and neuroinflammation leading to parkinson's and alzheimer's. It is overlooked and in poor working order in many of us.


These sessions are 1 hour in duration and include guided breathing and conscious relaxation practices to support your system to work better. Follow-ups are recommended at an intervals that your system can tolerate - which is dependent on a detox process, for which every body is different. Sometimes a follow-up is the same week, and other times, a week or two apart. Avoid eating just before your session.​

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Rest & Restore Sound Healing Session

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Sound healing has been used for centuries to calm the nervous system and free energetic blocks that present in the physical, mental and emotional realms of our being.


We are energy beings and made up of 70% water. The frequencies and vibrations created by the bowls begins to move this water within us creating flow, release, and reconnection to ourselves in transformative ways.

In your customized session you will set an intention for what it is that you want to transform – perhaps a physical presentation or emotional block. Then relax in luxurious comfort and warmth as you head on a journey within exploring your personal energies and deeper states of consciousness, as the sounds and vibrations wash through you bringing deep peace and inner balance.


Sessions are 75 min in duration and allow time for journaling, intention (sankalpa) setting, guided breathing practices, tuning forks and crystal singing bowls.

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Connect & Rejuvenate Group Sound Therapy Session

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Group sound therapy offers a gentle, nurturing experience among family or friends looking to celebrate a birthday, connect in a health affirming experience, release grief, or simply improve quality of life. Sound therapy is an act of self-care and beneficial for anyone who is ready to experience a greater sense of peace and well-being, release energetic, emotional and physical blocks and pain. 


Sound healing can be traced back to the ancient cultures of Tibet, China, India, Latin America, Africa, and even Europe in ancient Greece. In these cultures, the sound was used for ceremonies and as a way to heal various physical, mental, and emotional ailments. Sound healing is being resurrected in the west as a powerful experience which releases mental tension, calms anxiety, calms the nervous system, improves blood circulation and metabolism deeply stimulating the energy centers of the body. 


Group sound therapy sessions can be arranged at a location of your choice and are generally 1.5 hours in duration.

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Buddhist Singing Bowl

Get in Touch

Reach out to me with your ideas for a group sound healing experience.

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